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The Twenty Most Common Injection Molding Defects

Injection molding is a widely used manufacturing process for producing a vast array of plastic products, ranging from small components to large, intricate parts. Despite its popularity and efficiency, injection molding can encounter various defects that may affect product quality, performance, and cost-effectiveness.

The guide provides an in-depth analysis of each defect, including its causes, effects, and recommended solutions. It serves as an essential resource for injection molding professionals, offering a comprehensive understanding of the challenges they may face during production.

By equipping manufacturers with the knowledge to identify, prevent, and rectify these common defects, Be-Cu prototype aims to enhance the overall efficiency and success of the injection molding process.


Flash is a prevalent defect that occurs when excessive plastic material escapes from the mold cavity and forms a thin, unwanted layer around the molded part’s edges. Causes of flash may include inadequate clamp force, poorly maintained molds, excessive injection pressure, and high temperatures.


  1. Optimize clamp force to ensure proper mold closure.
  2. Regularly inspect and maintain molds to avoid wear and tear.
  3. Adjust injection pressure and temperatures to appropriate levels.
  4. Modify gate design to minimize the risk of flash formation.

Short Shot

Short shot defects happen when the mold cavity is not adequately filled, leaving the molded part incomplete. This issue is commonly caused by insufficient melt material, inadequate injection pressure, low melt temperature, or blocked flow paths.


  1. Verify that the machine has sufficient melt material.
  2. Adjust the injection pressure and melt temperature as needed.
  3. Check and clear any obstructions in the flow paths.
  4. Optimize gate design to facilitate smooth material flow.


Sinks occur as localized depressions on the molded part’s surface due to inadequate cooling or uneven wall thickness.


  1. Improve cooling system efficiency to ensure uniform cooling.
  2. Optimize the part’s design to achieve even wall thickness.
  3. Adjust injection parameters to minimize the risk of sink marks.


Warping results in a distorted part shape caused by uneven cooling or residual stress in the material.


  1. Enhance mold cooling to achieve uniform cooling rates.
  2. Modify the part design to minimize areas prone to warping.
  3. Adjust melt temperature and injection parameters to reduce residual stress.

Burn Marks

Burn marks are dark discolorations caused by excessive material overheating and inadequate ventilation.


  1. Optimize melt temperature and injection speed to prevent overheating.
  2. Ensure adequate venting in the mold to release trapped air.
  3. Regularly clean and maintain molds to avoid material degradation.

Weld Lines

Weld lines occur when two or more melt flow fronts meet, resulting in weaker bonding areas on the part’s surface.


  1. Optimize gate placement to minimize the formation of weld lines.
  2. Increase melt temperature and injection speed for better fusion.
  3. Use mold flow simulation software to predict and address potential weld line locations.


Jetting is characterized by erratic material flow, leading to visible streaks or distortions on the part.


  1. Increase melt temperature and injection speed for smoother flow.
  2. Adjust gate design to minimize material impact during injection.
  3. Verify that the nozzle and runners are free from obstructions.

Flow Marks

Flow marks are surface imperfections caused by inconsistent melt flow during the injection process.


  1. Optimize melt temperature, injection speed, and pressure for smoother flow.
  2. Increase the mold’s temperature to improve material flow.
  3. Ensure adequate venting to prevent air traps that disrupt flow.


Delamination involves the separation of layers in a multi-layered part, usually due to poor material bonding.


  1. Ensure proper material selection for multi-layered parts.
  2. Adjust melt temperature and injection parameters for better material bonding.
  3. Conduct adhesive tests to evaluate material compatibility.

Voids and Air Traps

Voids and air traps are air pockets formed within the molded part, leading to reduced structural integrity.


  1. Enhance mold venting to allow trapped air to escape.
  2. Adjust injection parameters to minimize air entrapment.
  3. Modify part design to reduce the risk of void formation.

Burned Edges

Burned edges occur when the melt material encounters excessive shear heat during the injection process.


  1. Optimize injection speed and pressure to reduce shear stress.
  2. Ensure that the mold’s cooling system is functioning efficiently.
  3. Use mold release agents to prevent material sticking and excessive friction.


Overpacking is the excessive application of pressure during the packing phase, leading to deformation and internal stress in the molded part.


  1. Optimize packing pressure and time to avoid overpacking.
  2. Adjust cooling and ejection parameters to prevent deformation.
  3. Utilize mold flow simulation to optimize packing conditions.

Surface Imperfections

Surface imperfections include scratches, dents, and blemishes on the molded part’s exterior.


  1. Maintain and clean molds regularly to prevent surface damage.
  2. Adjust mold temperature and cooling to achieve smoother surfaces.
  3. Use mold release agents to reduce friction and prevent sticking.

Brittle Parts

Brittleness in molded parts is often caused by material degradation due to excessive melt temperature or extended residence time.


  1. Optimize melt temperature and injection parameters for material compatibility.
  2. Use materials with better mechanical properties to reduce brittleness.
  3. Purge the machine regularly to remove degraded material.

Warped Ejector Pins

Warped ejector pins can lead to parts getting stuck or ejected improperly.


  1. Ensure that the ejector pins are made of high-quality, heat-resistant material.
  2. Regularly inspect and replace worn ejector pins to avoid deformation.
  3. Adjust ejector stroke to prevent excessive force on the pins.

Part Sticking

Part sticking occurs when the molded part adheres to the mold cavity, making it difficult to eject.


  1. Apply mold release agents to reduce adhesion.
  2. Optimize ejection mechanism and stroke to ensure smooth part release.
  3. Ensure that the mold surface is clean and free from debris.

Jetting at the Gate

Jetting at the gate is characterized by excessive material velocity during injection, causing undesirable cosmetic defects.


  1. Optimize gate design to reduce material velocity.
  2. Adjust injection speed and pressure to control material flow.
  3. Use mold flow simulation to predict and address potential jetting issues.

Flow Lines

Flow lines are visible streaks or lines formed on the molded part’s surface due to inconsistent flow rates.


  1. Optimize melt temperature and injection speed for smoother flow.
  2. Adjust cooling and ejection parameters to prevent flow disruptions.
  3. Use mold flow simulation to predict and address potential flow line issues.


Flashing is the occurrence of thin, excess material outside the intended parting line.


  1. Optimize clamp force to ensure proper mold closure.
  2. Regularly inspect and maintain molds to prevent material leakage.
  3. Adjust injection pressure and temperature to prevent excessive material flow.

Inconsistent Dimensions

Inconsistent dimensions in the molded part may result from variations in material flow, cooling, and ejection.


  1. Optimize injection parameters for uniform material flow.
  2. Enhance mold cooling to achieve consistent part dimensions.
  3. Adjust ejection mechanism and stroke to avoid part distortion.

Understanding the twenty most common injection molding defects is crucial for maintaining product quality and efficiency in the manufacturing process. By identifying the root causes of these defects and implementing the appropriate remedies, manufacturers can achieve defect-free production, reducing waste, improving product performance, and enhancing customer satisfaction. Proper mold maintenance, material selection, and process optimization are essential for overcoming these challenges and producing high-quality plastic products through injection molding.